
onsdag, maj 18, 2011


You have to understand how to live through the worst parts of life..
So you never take the best parts for granted

1. You’re worth more to you than you are to anyone else, value yourself appropriately.

2. Love who you’re with, but never be blinded by the feeling to the point you’re no longer self-sufficient

3. Spend time developing solid friendships.
Lovers will come and go, but your friends will be there to have your back.

4. Learn to be happy alone or you’ll never know how to be happy with someone

5. Never mistreat those close to you.
The same way you wouldn’t want someone mistreating you and..

6. What goes around DOES come around.
Maybe not today, but when that other shoe drops you better pray you’re not under it.

Now go on, live, love, and glow!

1 kommentar:

  1. What goes around DOES come around.

    Haha, det hoppas jag verkligen!
